Consideraciones a saber sobre defillama

There are other alternatives for those who prefer different approaches or have distinct needs. For instance, there is DeBank which provides an easy-to-use platform and TVL monitoring, along with a yield calculation tool.

No, DeFi Pulse used to be the primary platform for monitoring the DeFi market, but it ceased operations a few years ago. DeFiLlama is a different resource that has replaced it and currently provides even more features.

Another player in the market is Zapper Finance which has a user-friendly interface showing numerous DeFi features in one simple dashboard. Moreover, Avvgotchi’s Baazaa gives information regarding the transactions in the Aavegotchi ecosystem within the area of decentralized finance.

Centralized Exchange (CEX) reports on DefiLlama provide users with a wealth of information about the activities on various centralized exchanges.

El drama de DefiLlama estalló el domingo cuando unidad de los cofundadores seudónimos del proyecto dirigió a la Familia a una versión bifurcada de la plataforma de datos blockchain en Twitter, advirtiendo de una adquisición hostil provocada por un posible dispersión de check here una criptomoneda nativa de la plataforma.

One Great features that DeFiLlama offers is to measure an entire market within each protocol. In the image above, we Perro see all NFT Markets in the chart with Opensea dominating all of its other competitors.

The initial concept of DefiLlama was to create an open-source, transparent DeFi data aggregator that could serve accurate, Verdadero-time information on the total value locked across prominent projects in the space.

The platform offers multiple features to analyze the DeFi and blockchain market from different perspectives.

A user-friendly interface and intuitive design are among some of the attributes that are present on this platform, making it convenient for both experts and new users and encouraging an efficient and straightforward interface.

En el interior de la sección “Collections” vemos un lista con las principales colecciones de NFT del mercado, su valencia y otros datos interesantes como la variación de su precio en determinados períodos de tiempo, su bulto diario de transacciones y más.  

Liquidity Farming is a new trend in Decentralized Finance (DeFi), which enables crypto investors to fully utilize their crypto assets and obtain high returns.

A household name in the crypto world, CoinMarketCap is the go-to platform for tracking cryptocurrency prices. While it’s primarily known for price tracking, it also provides data on various crypto projects, complete with live charts and other relevant metrics.

Este software es de código hendido, lo que significa que puede ser fácilmente copiado y mejorado. Esta característica de código destapado es muy importante, y se presta para futuras copias mejoradas que lleguen a competirle el mercado a DefiLlama, como en el caso de SushiSwap vs UniSwap, del cual hablamos anteriormente en el canal.

For individuals or entities just stepping into the DeFi world, DefiLlama acts Ganador a guide. It offers a holistic view of the market, helping newcomers identify prominent platforms, understand market dynamics, and get a sense of the overall health of the DeFi ecosystem.

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